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Emboldening the Enemy; Obama Style

January 24, 2010

Wow: Obama administration says “Taliban must take legitimate role” in Afghanistan
Article: Gateway Pundit

For all that our boys have fought and died for, we’re now giving legitimacy to the same enemy we went there to defeat? Imagine how our troops overseas must be feeling about the news that their Commander in Chief wants to legitimize the very enemy they’re trying to defeat. Sad…

NY Times – The United States recognizes that the Taliban are now part of the political fabric of Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said here on Friday, but the group must be prepared to play a legitimate role before it can reconcile with the Afghan government.

That means, Mr. Gates said, that the Taliban must participate in elections, not oppose education and not assassinate local officials. (yea good luck with that! -Ed)

“The question is whether the Taliban at some point in this process are ready to help build a 21st-century Afghanistan or whether they still just want to kill people,” Mr. Gates said. (That question is, frankly, above Obama’s pay grade-Ed)

The defense secretary made his remarks in an interview with Pakistani journalists at the home of the American ambassador to Pakistan, Anne W. Patterson. Mr. Gates was on the second day of a two-day visit to the country.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. January 24, 2010 12:29 am

    The only legitimate role for a Taliban is to be exterminated upon contact with our troops just like the vermin they are. Obama is an idiot and so is Gates for backing the POS. Dangerous ones at that.
    Bob A.

    • January 24, 2010 12:46 am

      You’re absolutely right. The WORLD would be a safer place if every one of these shitstains were shot between the eyes.

  2. January 24, 2010 4:38 pm

    Imagine if that attitude was taken during WWII. You cannot legitamize those who only want you dead and out of the way so that they can enslave those to weak to stand up to them. Tyrannts do not want justice, peace, love, faith, hope, freedom, for their fellow man…they only want control and power.

    • January 24, 2010 4:53 pm

      Absolutely. BHussein himself only wants power and control. He has no desire for justice, peace, love, faith, hope, and freedom. Everything he’s done and said up until this point proves it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt. Unless you’re a Kool-Aid drinking Obamatron.

  3. Michael permalink
    February 8, 2010 2:44 am

    Trouble is, that for the most part, we’re TRYING to embolden the enemy.

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